Frequently Asked Questions​

We can tell you everything about Payment24

These Frequently Asked Questions​ are designed to answers general questions and provide a better understanding of what Payment24 does, how it does it and how it relates to you, the customer.


Most frequent questions and answers
Go to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, search for ‘Payment24’ and download the FREE Fleetman Payment24 App.

Once you have contacted us and we have consulted with you to ascertain your needs, we can get you up and running inside two weeks.

This is simply the ability to deliver personalized, relevant notifications based on customer interest, past buying behavior and location. It is an incredibly powerful tool for engaging with customers and creating exciting new monetization opportunities.

See Geofencing service

Our mobile application can be freely downloaded from the major app stores, which means there are no card-printing, issuing and management fees. With the widespread adoption of ‘contactless’ readers in banking terminals such as Spire, Ingenico and Verifone, it is now possible to use Payment24 tamper-proof contactless stickers.

Real-time is “as it happens” which means that simultaneous with any transaction Payment24 is monitoring it, authorising it and reporting back.  We provide tools that give you information about your business in real-time, giving you actionable data that will allow you to make immediate decisions, making your business smarter and more efficient. You can manage the fuel consumption of all your clients, enable and disable accounts across your distribution channels in real-time.

Payment24 uses world-class terminal providers like Ingenico, Verifone and Spire to provide reliable real-time transactions over multiple communication formats such as GPRS, Edge, 3G, Wi-Fi or a combination of communication methods. Our Payment24 application can reside on Ingenico devices together with the merchant’s existing banking software.

The Payment24 platform is hosted on Microsoft’s Azure environment, an integrated operating system for cloud computing that facilitates the management of scalable applications over the Internet. Payment24’s hosting and management environment is wholly maintained by Microsoft at their own data centres.

The Payment24 Platform was developed using the latest version of Microsoft’s .NET Framework. The Management and MIS portal is delivered as a web application, running on a Microsoft IIS web server, developed in C# using Microsoft SQL Azure as database server.

Definitely not. While we agree that too much irrelevant data and notifications can become daunting for fleet managers and result in missing out on critical alerts, Payment24 keeps things simple by allowing you to cherry pick from a menu of very relevant checks and balances. These include improving vehicle utilisation, driver allocation, route management, accurate fuel monitoring, maintenance management, monitoring driver behaviour, speed and idling. However, if you don’t need it you don’t have to have it.

Yes we can. The Payment24 platform crosses boundaries, languages and currencies with ease.

The tamper-proof contactless sticker is stuck on the inside of the vehicle’s windscreen. The windscreen tags use Near Field Communication (NFC) technology and do not require other expensive equipment. Nor is it labour-intensive (expensive) to install. Fleet owners can keep their vehicles in service without taking them off the road, which saves time and money.

All windshield tags are procured through Paradigm Group directly. The tags do not require any maintenance and the re-issuing of broken tags can be done by the client directly. Note, tags can only be broken when a driver tries to remove them. Inactive tags are issued to fleet managers who can activate and link the tags to specific vehicles via the Fleet Management Portal.


Most frequent questions and answers
  RFID Barcode
Line of Sight Not required Required
Read Range Passive RFID: – Up to 40 feet (fixed readers) – Up to 20 feet (handheld readers) Several inches up to several feet
Read Rate Up to 1000s simultaneously Only one at a time
Identification Uniquely identify each item/asset tagged Typically only identifies the type of item (UPC Code) but not uniquely
Read/Write RFID tags are Read/Write Read only
Technology RF (Radio Frequency) Optical (Laser)
Interference Limited only by RFID frequencies. Obstructed barcodes cannot be read (dirt covering barcode, torn barcode, etc.)
Automation “Fixed” readers don’t require human involvement to collect data (automated) Most barcode scanners require a human to operate (labor intensive)
There are mainly 4 ways of paying for fuel for small and large fleets. They all have their own advantage and disadvantages. The 4 options available are :
  1. Pump Tagging
  2. Bank Fleet Card
  3. Vehicle Verification
  4. Fuel in Tank Verification
Fleet Fuel Management Comparison Chart
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
Pump Tags Card Verification Vehicle Verification Fuel in Tank
Terminal Required No Yes Yes No
Nozzle Installation No No No Yes
Pump Installation Yes No No No
Vehicle Installation No No No Yes
Vehicle Tag Yes Yes Yes No
Driver Tag No No Yes No
Driver PIN Security No No Yes No
Verify Vehicle on Fill No No Yes Yes
Verify Fuel in Tank No No No Yes
Driver Verification No No Yes No
Easy to clone Yes Yes No No
Offline Fleet Checks Yes Yes Yes Yes
Online Fleet Checks No Yes Yes Yes
Self Service Yes Yes Yes Yes
Stands for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Near-Field Communication (NFC)
Specification A method of uniquely identifying items using radioactive waves. Medium of communication that allows devices to talk to each other through touch.
Operating Frequencies RFID operates at a range of radio frequencies. Fast data transmit than HF
Explosion NFC operates at 13.56 MHz NFC is still an emerging technology.
Scan Distance Up to 1 m Up to 10cm
Standards ISO 14443, 15693, 18000 ISO 14443
Read/Write RFID tags are Read/Write May act as both a reader and a tag.
Technology RF (Radio Frequency) A newer, more finely honed version of RFID.
Scan Tags Simultaneously Yes No
Read Range Passive RFID: – Up to 40 feet (fixed readers) – Up to 20 feet (handheld readers) Short range, less than 4 inches
Communication one-way Two-way
Automation “Fixed” readers don’t require human involvement to collect data (automated Require a human to operate
Stands for High Frequency Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) HF Ultra High Frequency Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) UHF
Operating Frequencies HF operates at a range of 13.56 MHz UHF operates at 865-928 MHz
Data Transmit High data transmit Fast data transmit than HF
Range (min to max) Near contact(min) 1 meter (max) I inch(min) 10 meters(max)
Standards ISO 14443, ISO 15693 ISO 18000-6C
Technology Usage Widely used for access control & contactless payment applications Essential for supply-chain applications; Most commonly ,case & Pallet tracking ,returnable container Identification
Communication magnetic field coupling is used RF propagation method is used
Security More encryption possibility Low encryption possibility
1D Barcodes 2D Barcodes
Stands for One dimensional (ID) Barcode Two-dimensional(2D) Barcode
Specification A functionality of displaying info in a readable electronical format linearly A functionality of displaying info in a readable electronical format two dimensionally
Capacity Holding ability up to 85 characters Holding ability up to 100 characters
Nature Object are provided with label & index Objects are provided with descriptions
Ability Creates a wide barcode Creates a smaller barcode
Information processed Numbers ,English Numbers ,English ,Chinese ,pictures ,voice & other binary information
Error correcting functionality It does provide this functionality It does not provide this functionality
Information Density It has low density It has a high density
Database dependent Yes No
Efficiency It provides limited efficiency It provides greater efficiency
Stands for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Near Field Communication (NFC)
Specification Medium of communication through listening signals. Medium of communication that allows devices to talk to each other through touch.
Ability BLE continually transmits a signal to be received by BLE –enabled smart phones NFC tags can only communicate when the NFC enabled Smartphone is near
Supported OS IOS7 ,Android 4.3 & greater Android 4.0 & greater ,Windows Phone 8 & Blackberry X.
Energy Efficient It requires battery replacement after two years It creates its own battery ,therefore not needed any replacement
Ease of Use Bluetooth requires manual setup NFC connects automatically
Technology Extension of Bluetooth technology A newer, more finely honed version of RFID.
Service Bluetooth takes longer time to connect NFC provides a quick service
Superior in Functionality BLE cannot be used to identify who would be next in a line or even which line, or position in line, a person may occupy. NFC is a superior alternative to BLE.
Communication one-to-many One-to-one
BLE Classic Bluetooth
Stands for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Technology Classic Bluetooth Technology
Key Difference BLE enables new applications Classic Bluetooth does not provide this feature.
Data Transfer BLE data transfer rates are below 100 kb/s Classic Bluetooth data transfer rate can be up to 200 MB/s
Explosion BLE is an emerging Technology Classic Bluetooth is currently in widespread use all Over the world
Density It has strong density It has strong density too.
Range Up to 250 m Up to 100m
Superior in Functionality It does not provide such facility It provides Serial Port Profile(SPP) For emulation of serial data connections
Large scale network Weak in BLE Strong in Classic
Power Consumption Very strong Strong
Cost High Affordable
Connectivity Connectivity is more faster Connectivity is less than BLE
  Chip Magnetic stripe cards
Specification The chip uses a piece of exact information Of a user Magnetic strips contains the exact information of a user
Reducing medical fraud   Chip helps reduce medical fraud   It does not support
Storage Capacity Greater storage capacity Less storage capacity
Functionality   It provides  maximum functionality   It gives minimal functionality
Offline access   It enables offline access to health care information   It does not allow
Authentication It only allow authorized users to access the information It does not have this feature
Strong Audit It support for digital signatures to enable strong audit It does not support
Biometric storage It allows on-card bio-metric storage It does not allow
application Data support It supports for multiple sets of application Data on the card It does not allow
Security Chips have greater security Magnetic strips have minimal security